Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Super Hard Day

I never expect that today was a hard day..
Actually my schedule for today was analysing the samples by HPLC, but It has been used by someone else. Because of that, I have to stand in line and wait until 4 pm..
whie waiting for the analysis, I helped the seminar commitee in my department. I started doing the preparation at 11.30 am because it need quite long time prepare the samples before analysed..

HPLC was a very expensive instrument, so that I'm afraid if get mistakes where in fact I did and my heart stopped for seconds.. Fortunately that was not a big problem, and there's someone help me to fix it because I couldn't handle it by my self.
I finished doing the job 10 pm.. And then I decided to sleep in my friends home because it too late for me to go home.. I asked my friends to pick up me.. I'm really really tired..

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