Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Need the Resolving

Important question that need to resolve as soon as possible

To Mr. Bambang (Department of phytochemistry and pharmacognocy) :
-Still need urine samples for accumulation study? Hopely not anymore, I can't stand! Enough please!
-What about the proposal?

To Mr. Har (Department of clinical pharmacy) :
-Which method that can be used for urine sample preparation? Refers to urine journal or blood journal?
-How to handle the time variated urine samples?
-Urine samples storage? Apendorf??

To Mr. Yuwono (Department of chemical pharmacy) :
-Did sample still need to be filtered by milipore paper 0,2 micrometer if it has been sentrifugated 15000 rpm?

I hope they won't go anywhere so I am be able to ask the questions and get the answer soon.

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