Peningkatan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan mengandung arti :
Bahwa sarana pelayanan kesehatan dan tenaga profesi kesehatan harus mampu menunjukkan akuntabilitas sosial untuk memberikan pelayanan prima kepada konsumen, yakni pelayanan yang sesuai dengan standar yang diakui sehingga dapat memenuhi atau bahkan melebihi harapan konsumen.
Terkait dengan program pemerintah Indonesia Sehat 2010 dimana pelayanan kesehatan merupakan salah satu pilar menuju Indonesia sehatmaka diperlukan peningkatan mutu pelayanan kesehatan
Tujuan Sistem Pelayanan Kesehatan
Pada prinsipnya mengutamakan pelayanan kesehatan promotif dan preventif pada masyarakat
Pelayanan promotif -> upaya meningkatkan kesehatan kearah yang lebih baik
Pelayanan preventif -> upaya mencegah agar masyarakat tidak jatuh sakit atau terhindar dari masyarakat
Jaringan Sistem YANKES
Dari segi fisik persebaran sarana pelayanan kesehatan seperti Puskesmas, Rumah sakit, maupun sarana kesehatan lainnya termasuk sarana penunjang upaya kesehatan. Dengan berbagai kegiatan menjaga mutu YanKes mulai dari perijinan dan monitoring perijinan, program GKM, QA (Quality Assurance), Akreditasi Rumah Sakit, Stratifikasi Puskesmas, Pelayanan Prima, hingga Sertifikasi ISO 9000.
Diperlukan peran dari: Departemen Kesehatan, Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota, Ikatan Profesi, LSM, Konsultan Manajemen Mutu, dan tentunya masyarakat sendiri dalam pengawasan mutu.
Dan regulasi pemerintah yang tercermin dalam Sistem Kesehatan Nasional (SKN)
Sistem Kesehatan Nasional
SKN adalah suatu tatanan yang menghimpun berbagai upaya Bangsa Indonesia secara terpadu dan saling mendukung guna menjamin derajat kesehatan yang setinggi-tingginya sebagai perwujudan kesejahteraan umum seperti dimaksud dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945.
Dari rumusan pengertian di atas, jelaslah SKN tidak hanya menghimpun upaya sektor kesehatan sajamelainkan juga upaya dari berbagai sektor lainnya termasuk masyarakat dan swasta
Indikator Kinerja SKN :
distribusi tingkat kesehatan di suatu negara ditinjau dari kematian Balita
Kedua, distribusi ketanggapan (responsiveness) sistem kesehatan ditinjau dari harapan masyarakat
Ketiga, distribusi pembiayaan kesehatan ditinjau dari penghasilan keluarga
indikator kinerja SKN menunjuk pada distribusi status kesehatan dan ketanggapan SKN, maka indikator ini terutama dipengaruhi oleh sumberdaya kesehatan, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan manajemen kesehatan
Sistem pelayanan kesehatan utamanya bertujuan untuk menyediakan suatu layanan yang menyeluruh bagi masyarakat guna meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat
Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem manajemen yang dapat menjamin terlaksananya sistem pelayanan kesehatan dengan baik
Untuk menggerakkan pembangunan kesehatan secara berhasil-guna dan berdaya-guna, diperlukan manajemen kesehatan.
Peranan manajemen kesehatan adalah koordinasi, integrasi, sinkronisasi serta penyerasian upaya kesehatan, pembiayaan kesehatan, sumberdaya kesehatan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat.
Berhasil atau tidaknya pembangunan kesehatan ditentukan oleh manajemen kesehatan
Keberhasilan manajemen kesehatan ditentukan oleh :
Tersedianya data dan informasi kesehatan,
Dukungan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kesehatan,
Dukungan hukum kesehatan
Administrasi kesehatan
Secara umum, pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dibagi menjadi tingkat pertama (puskesmas) dan tingkat lanjut (Rumah Sakit)
Rumah Sakit dibedakan menjadi :
Rumah Sakit Kelas A
Rumah Sakit Kelas B
Sistem informasi manajemen kesehatan
Sistem tersebut mencakup :
Sistem informasi manajemen puskesmas (SIMPUS)
Sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit (SIMRS)
Sistem informasi manajemen kepegawaian (SIMKA)
Sistem survailans penyakit menular
Sistem survailans penyakit tidak menular
Sistem jaringan penelitian dan pengembangan
Unsur – unsur utama manajemen kesehatan
1. Administrasi kesehatan adalah kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian serta pengawasan dan pertanggungjawaban penyelenggaraan pembangunan kesehatan.
2. Informasi kesehatan adalah hasil pengumpulan dan pengolahan data yang merupakan masukan bagi pengambilan keputusan di bidang kesehatan.
3. Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi adalah hasil penelitian dan pengembangan yang merupakan masukan bagi pengambilan keputusan di bidang kesehatan.
4. Hukum kesehatan adalah peraturan perundang-undangan kesehatan yang dipakai sebagai acuan bagi penyelenggaraan pembangunan kesehatan.
Peningkatan Mutu YanKes harus dilakukan di semua aspek, diantaranya:
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
One Litre of Tears
I've made a girl crying. There was a girl that her foot injured by an accident. I made her suffering, she wasn't stop crying. I heard her foot but not on purpose, I didn't know exactly how it happened. Overall I felt free when she made me sure that she was Ok.
Back to the plan, I went to diagnostic center, walked alone to meet my lecture. Although I could meet my lecture, my heart couldn't stop crying. I didn't know what I had to say anymore, I've told all the reasons and the fact but still not working. My test result had lost, she couldn't find it. What I have to do now, It's so sad.
I will back next monday
Back to the plan, I went to diagnostic center, walked alone to meet my lecture. Although I could meet my lecture, my heart couldn't stop crying. I didn't know what I had to say anymore, I've told all the reasons and the fact but still not working. My test result had lost, she couldn't find it. What I have to do now, It's so sad.
I will back next monday
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Lost My Test Result
It's so sad knowing my test result didn't appear on the list. So that, Today I went to campus A to handle this problem. I wanna meet the lecture of pathology clinic, maybe they had the exlanation about it, unfortunately I was wrong. Department of Pathology Clinic wasn't there but it was located in Diagnostic Center Dr. Soetomo Hospital floor 4. Because I didn't want to go there alone, I returned to campus B. Maybe I met my friends and could go there together but in fact they have gone there and brought information that my name and the result still haven't been found yet.
I'm planning to go there by my self tomorrow, hopely I will get a better news.
I'm planning to go there by my self tomorrow, hopely I will get a better news.
Lost My Test Result
It's so sad knowing my test result didn't appear on the list. So that, Today I went to campus A to handle this problem. I wanna meet the lecture of pathology clinic, maybe they had the exlanation about it, unfortunately I was wrong. Department of Pathology Clinic wasn't there but it was located in Diagnostic Center Dr. Soetomo Hospital floor 4. Because I didn't want to go there alone, I returned to campus B. Maybe I met my friends and could go there together but in fact they have gone there and brought information that my name and the result still haven't been found yet.
I'm planning to go there by my self tomorrow, hopely I will get a better news.
I'm planning to go there by my self tomorrow, hopely I will get a better news.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Otsuka Training
Today I attend a training on how to get dream job. It was held by PT.Amerta Indah Otsuka located in faculty of science and technology Airlangga University. I didn't have to be afraid missing the class because I had joined it in another class yesterday. Beside that, I've made the permission to the lecture.
Basicly this training was very usefull because it helped us to undestand on how to know our selves. Based on that knowledge we can choose our dream job that fit and suitable for us.
In that campus I met my lil sister, she is studying there in school of matemathic.
Basicly this training was very usefull because it helped us to undestand on how to know our selves. Based on that knowledge we can choose our dream job that fit and suitable for us.
In that campus I met my lil sister, she is studying there in school of matemathic.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Lead the Discussion
It's the firs PBL discussion. As a group 5 we didn't have enough preparation for the theme today. Beside that we didn't get the room, room 2.8 wasn't exist, so that we, accompanied by mrs.Yuni, looked for the empty room that we could use. Fortunately, we still got one, classroom 3.3.
Based on the vote, I was asked to be the team leader. All the member agree with the decision and I couldn't deny it.
I had to leam the discussion, and the result was that we will make two product from "Kaempferia galanga", shampoo and sunscreen. The active ingredient was EPMS (ethyl para metoxysinamate) that isolated from "kaempferia galanga".
Next week we will choose for the best one between shampoo and sunscreen.
Based on the vote, I was asked to be the team leader. All the member agree with the decision and I couldn't deny it.
I had to leam the discussion, and the result was that we will make two product from "Kaempferia galanga", shampoo and sunscreen. The active ingredient was EPMS (ethyl para metoxysinamate) that isolated from "kaempferia galanga".
Next week we will choose for the best one between shampoo and sunscreen.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Dian's House
I had appointment with some friends this afternoon so that I went to Surabaya soon together with my lil sister. I was invited to join berak the fast together in Dian's house. She celebrated her birthday, so certain people could join.
Going to Manukan, Dian's house, was so exciting becuse it was my first experince to go there by public vehicle. I was the first who arrive there but a few minutes later one by one my friends came. It's quite fun, where all of us felt satisfied by the dishes.
Going to Manukan, Dian's house, was so exciting becuse it was my first experince to go there by public vehicle. I was the first who arrive there but a few minutes later one by one my friends came. It's quite fun, where all of us felt satisfied by the dishes.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Problem Based Learning
Today was the first meeting on PBL (problem based learning) class. It gave the explanation about PBL and also aimed for deviding group. Beside that, each group got the task where my group got the task to make a proposal about creative-innovative product from "Kaempferia galanga".
After the meeting, me and my SCP (student creativity programme) team continued to work. We have another project, researching some herbals as antihiperlipids.
It was Saturday, that's why I've missed my home. So that, I went to Lamongan after finishing my activities today.
After the meeting, me and my SCP (student creativity programme) team continued to work. We have another project, researching some herbals as antihiperlipids.
It was Saturday, that's why I've missed my home. So that, I went to Lamongan after finishing my activities today.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm Late
I was late to wake up this morning.. It was so surprising me when I saw my clock on the wall, it was 7.00 AM and that mean I was late to get medicinal chemistry class today. Although my uncle helped me so I could arrive in my campus faster, it was not working..
I decided not to enter the class because it was too late for me and I just waited outside for my lecture finishing his job until the time for second class came..
All of this just because my time to sleep was not enough, my father came last night at 1.00 AM dropping my aunt. beside that, after got "sahur" I sleep again...
I decided not to enter the class because it was too late for me and I just waited outside for my lecture finishing his job until the time for second class came..
All of this just because my time to sleep was not enough, my father came last night at 1.00 AM dropping my aunt. beside that, after got "sahur" I sleep again...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Remove the Samples
I decided to remove my samples from vial to apendorf. Actually, in the beginning, I accompanied my friend in make his samples preparation. I just changed the container about 200 of my samples to smaller one so they could be stored in a narrow space.
When he finished doing his job, I was still working. My job need much more times so he left me alone in the laboratory.
I left my job for a a while because I had to attend pharmacotherapy class, and I would continue it after the class. I spent all my times in lab today although on farting month. When maghrib time had come I couldn' break my fast immediately. Fortunately, there was my lecture and he gave me a drink, so I could break.
When he finished doing his job, I was still working. My job need much more times so he left me alone in the laboratory.
I left my job for a a while because I had to attend pharmacotherapy class, and I would continue it after the class. I spent all my times in lab today although on farting month. When maghrib time had come I couldn' break my fast immediately. Fortunately, there was my lecture and he gave me a drink, so I could break.
Monday, September 1, 2008
First Day
Today was the first day school in this new semester, beside that also first day in this fasting month, Ramadhan.
I didn't get full classes but I'm still Ok and haven't feel hungry yet.
Me and friends actually were waiting for the second class until 15.15 pm and someone told that the class was canceled.. So that it's better for me back home as soon as possible because no jobs to do for today. Tonight I've done my second taraweh prayer
I didn't get full classes but I'm still Ok and haven't feel hungry yet.
Me and friends actually were waiting for the second class until 15.15 pm and someone told that the class was canceled.. So that it's better for me back home as soon as possible because no jobs to do for today. Tonight I've done my second taraweh prayer
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